EMDR Therapy Intensives

Watch for a little glimpse into what Intensives can be like together

What are EMDR Intensives?

Intensives are an accelerated form of trauma processing and healing. Usually these intensives take place in a concentrated amount of time, being able to process several weeks worth of sessions in one week for instance.

  • Complimentary Consultation

    75 Minute Initial Intake session

    2- 3 hours a day for 3 days in a week

    Closing Session

  • Total including intake and workbook:

    2 hours x 3 days: $1,750

    3 hours x 3 days :$2,425

    Break down:

    Each hour (60 minutes) of an EMDR in person Intensive is priced at $225

    Initial 75 minute Intake: $275

    Workbook and Review: $125

  • Complimentary Intensive Consultation

    Personalized treatment workbook

    Initial 75 minute in person session, exploring intentions for deep intensive work and gathering history and context around healing areas.

    2-3 hours a day for 3 days in a week for a certain agreed upon time.

    Optional closing 75 minute creative session, collaging imagery/ affirmation cards for what has been processed.

Why EMDR Intensives?

Intentional Space to Process

Creating concentrated time for you to really process the things that are painful in a way that doesn’t feel rushed. There is spaciousness to deeply explore and it is possible to get to the root and find relief faster.

Change Before a New Experience Comes up

Something big is coming up, a move, a new job, a new project and you don’t want to feel the same way in these new experiences. You have little time before this transition happens and you want to dedicate it to yourself.


You want Immediate shifts where you don’t have to set up months of weekly therapy. You are needing to feel something different sooner and not wanting to spend weeks on end, just getting to the surface of deep work and then the session being done at 50 min. You are wanting to do processing now as it is so present.

Building Therapeutic Trust Faster with Less Time in Between

It can take several weeks to build trust in 50 minute increments and feel vulnerable to process deeply. Having less interrupted time can bring more comfort to processing, connecting to energy and deepening work.

Processing While this Just Happened

Something so hard has happened, you don’t want to keep reliving it and it feeling worst, you want to process it now so your future self doesn’t have to live like this.

Maybe you have experienced sexual trauma or intense recent experiences that tap into old traumas and you know it won’t go away unless you try something different than you have been.

Past experiences are impacting you deeply and you no longer can tolerate feeling like this every day.

With EMDR Intensives You Can Move Toward Feeling…

Relief from Trauma

More ok in your body

Trusting of Self


More Connected to Others



Sound like you?

You are talked out and feeling so tense in your whole body and are having a hard time feeling fully present or connected to yourself.

Perhaps you’re needing help —- and a lot of it—- right now, and you don’t want to spend months in the traditional weekly therapy experiencing the same thing. It is familiar to blame yourself, believe it must be you, feel like a burden or that you are too sensitive and not prioritizing self, it feels time to change old deep-rooted patterns.

Through therapy and your own introspection you know logically what you are going through yet that isn’t changing how much you feel in your body. It is feeling time to be in a kind of therapy that gets to the root, the memories you know you need to process in a new way .

You may be a highly sensitive person and having more space to process while not feeling rushed feels hopeful. It can be energy-depleting moving from 50 minute therapy to immediately something else. You have more time to settle in, take in the environment, connect with energy, explore deep feelings and not feel like you have to monitor if you have bandwidth to really let yourself process.

specializing in:

Complex Trauma


Sexual Trauma

EMDR Intensives with me are…

Personalized to you and your specific experience, we will explore how to streamline healing particular areas and experiences in concentrated amounts of time.

Gentle and intentional, continuing to check in about how you are experiencing this accelerated work.

Creative where you get to explore new ways of processing and we collaborate together to find the best tools that support you.

EMDR Intensives with me are not

Rigid and highly structured, I guide you from a trained place and we collaborate and find our flow together.

Talking only, we explore through EMDR and creative expression and oracle cards.

About going over the day to day, we create a space to process things you have been holding for a long time.

Where you need to know all the answers, where you need to try to be perfect.

Ingredients to EMDR iNTENSIVES together…

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitzation and Reprocessing) is an evidenced-based trauma therapy that can help your body get unstuck. You may feel logically you know things are ok know but your body is stuck responding as it did in the past and you know you feel ready to try an approach outside of just talking to find relief.

  • You will be invited to create and use imagery to deepen reflection while moving toward self-trust. These guided creative invitations are personalized to you and inspired by our work together in session as another language to use outside of verbal. (Absolutely no previous art experience necessary).

    Mediums: Collaging, Drawing, Writing, Painting and Oracle imagery Cards.

  • We collaborate with Everything! This has to feel right for you after all. We find our rhythm and learn what works for you and doesn’t work and we build a trusting therapeutic relationship where you are honored.

  • We explore grounding tools that can help inside and outside of session. This could be noticing senses, taking deep breaths, imagining peaceful place, presence, moments of connection etc… System feeling more regulated than before? That is grounding.

  • I do not take this work lightly, it truly is an honor sitting with folks in the parts of trauma they thought they could never share, never be validated and supported in or ever find relief from. The day by day small shifts and transformations that can happen when there is a foundation of trust and empathy and presence together is incredible. I know to hold space for others I also need to hold it for myself and create intentional self care practices that help me to show up most authentically, human, energized, empathetic and present.

You Need Something Different.